limbus|limbi in English


limbo, place between heaven and hell (Catholicism); place of restraint or confinement; border or edge between body parts (Biology)

Use "limbus|limbi" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "limbus|limbi" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "limbus|limbi", or refer to the context using the word "limbus|limbi" in the English Dictionary.

1. Twenty were nodular and five were diffuse involving the limbus Circumferentially.There was involvement of Limbus in 3, limbus and cornea in 5, fornix in 1, medial canthus in 15, bulbar conjunctiva in 1 animal.

2. SE Apollyon is a subsection of the Apollyon zone in the Limbus region

3. SCC commonly presents as Avascularised lesion in interpalpebral area mostly at the limbus

4. Denumire populara: Artar, Paltin de camp Denumire populara in alte limbi: engleza (norway maple) Denumire stiintifica: Acer platanoides

5. Aici puteți găsi definiții complete ale Azoturias în limba engleză și în alte 40 de limbi

6. A fibrovascular growth of the Actinally damaged conj that invades a portion of the cornea from the limbus is a

7. A fibrovascular growth of the Actinally damaged conjunctiva that invades a portion of the cornea from the limbus is a

8. În unele limbi, precum româna sau franceza, Adverbele sunt invariabile, adică, cu unele excepții, nu pot primi afixe

9. The main stem cell niche is localized in the limbus that forms the border between the Avascularised cornea and the vascularised conjunctiva

10. When primary pterygium reaches more than 1.0 mm in size from the limbus it induces with-the-rule significant Astigmatism (> or = 1.0 diopter)

11. The Conjunctiva extends from the corneal limbus over the eye ball and, by forming the (upper and lower) fold of the fornix, onto the posterior surface of the eye lids.

12. It is itself composed of the limbal Conjunctiva, which is fused with the episclera at the limbus and the scleral Conjunctiva, which extends from the limbal Conjunctiva to the fornix.

13. The causes for the abundance of vessels in the spiral limbus are discussed: the transport of oxygen to the perilymph and the need of substances for the formation of the tectorial membrane seem to be important factors.

14. Fluviul Amur (alte limbi: „TAmur”, „Амур”, 黑龍江, hēilóng jiāng „Fluviul dragonului negru”) are o lungime de 2.824 km fiind fluviul cel mai lung din China și Rusia care se varsă în Oceanul Pacific de nord

15. 1 It may be divided into three portions: the bulbar Conjunctiva, including the corneoConjunctival limbus, which covers the sclera in the anterior part of the eyeball; the superior, inferior and lateral Conjunctival fornices; and the palpebral Conjunctiva, including the mucocutaneous

16. Învăţarea morfologiei temporal-Aspectuale şi a flexiunii nominale în trei limbi / The acquisition of tense-aspect morphology and nominal inflexion in three languages; Perspective lingvistice şi implicaţii pentru pedagogia L2 şi L3 / Linguistic perspectives and implications for L2 and L3 pedagogy .

17. VALORILE Aspectuale ALE TIMPURILOR VERBULUI ROMÂNESC Claudia CEMÂRTAN Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Articolul reia discuţia privind existenţa aspectului verbal, în calitate de categorie gramaticală, în alte limbi decât cele slave şi, în special, în limba română.

18. By reviewing the operative history of 20 meningioma cases displaying midline subfrontal and presellar localization, the author found that in 5 cases the growth was attached to the lamina cribrosa and the crista galli, in 3 cases it was attached adjacent to the tuberculum sellae, but spreading onto the limbus sphenoidale also; in 12 cases it was found adhering to the sphenoid plane.